Monday, February 25, 2013

Top 10 Project Management Challenges

Top 10 Project Management Challenges
Balancing all the elements of a complex project - time, money, scope and people - is the project manager' job. Excellent project management training is essential to successfully dealing with the unexpected challenges that come with every project. Following is an overview of the top 10 project management challenges that project managers may encounter on the job.
Project Management Challenges Within Corporate Projects
  1. Undefined Goals: When goals are not clearly identified, it is impossible for the team to meet them. And, since upper management cannot agree to or support undefined goals, the project in question has little chance of succeeding. The project manager must ask the right questions to establish and communicate clear goals from the outset.
  2. Scope Changes: Also known as "scope creep," this phenomenon occurs when project management allows the project's scope to extend beyond its original objectives. Certainly, clients and supervisors will ask for changes to a project - but a good project manager will evaluate each request and decide how and if to implement it, while communicating the effects on budget and deadlines to all stakeholders.
Working With a Team: Challenges For Project Managers
  1. Inadequate Skills for the Project: A project sometimes requires skills that the project's contributors don't possess. Project management training can help a project leader determine the needed competencies, assess the available workers and recommend training, outsourcing or hiring additional staff.
  2. Lack of Accountability: A project manager's leadership qualities really shine when each member of the team takes responsibility for his or her role in achieving project success. Conversely, a lack of accountability can bring a project to a complete halt. Finger-pointing and avoiding blame are unproductive - but all-too-common - features of flawed project management. Learning to direct teams toward a common goal is an important aspect of project management training.
Another Project Management Challenge: Dealing With Risk
  1. Improper Risk Management: Learning to deal with and plan for risk is an essential piece of project management training. And risk tolerance is a desirable project manager trait - because projects rarely go exactly according to plan. Gathering input, developing trust and knowing which parts of a project are most likely to veer off course are all aspects of the project manager's job.
  2. Ambiguous Contingency Plans: It's important for project managers to know exactly what direction to take in pre-defined "what-if" scenarios. But if those contingencies are not identified, the entire project can become mired in an unexpected set of problems. Asking others to identify potential problem areas can lead to a much smoother and more successful project.
Project Management and Communication Challenges
  1. Poor Communication:Project managers provide direction at every step of the project, so each team leader knows what's expected. Effective communication to everyone involved in the project is crucial to its successful completion.
    • Project management training includes an emphasis on written and oral communication skills
    • Proper communication increases team members' morale by establishing clear expectations
    • Good project managers keep communication and feedback flowing between upper management and team leaders
Managing Expectations: An Important Project Manager Attribute
  1. Impossible Deadlines: A strong leader - and successful project manager - knows that repeatedly asking a team for the impossible will result in declining morale and productivity. The odds of successfully completing a project under unreasonable deadlines are not very good.
  2. Resource Deprivation: In order for a project to be run efficiently and effectively, management must provide sufficient resources - human, time and money. Project management training shows how to define needs and obtain approval up front, and helps project managers assign and prioritize resources throughout the duration of a project.
  3. Lack of Stakeholder Engagement: A disinterested team member, client, CEO or vendor can destroy a project quickly. It's like having a distracted paddler in a two-person canoe - you might get to the finish line, but not efficiently or on time. And you'll waste a lot of energy in the process! A skilled project manager communicates openly and encourages feedback at every step to create greater engagement among participants.

Project Management Life Cycle

Fundamental of Project Management

Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.
Project management is accomplished through the use of the processes such as:
  • Initiation
  • Planning
  • Execution
  • Controlling
  • Closing
Project managers or the organization can divide projects into above phases to provide better management control with appropriate links to the ongoing operations of the performing organization. Collectively, these phases are known as the project life cycle which we would see in next chapter.
Project managers deliver projects while balancing the following constraints:
  • Scope
  • Schedule
  • Quality
  • Resources
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Risk

Monday, August 20, 2012

Software Engineering Syllabus

Core/Elective: Core Semester: 1 Credits: 4
Course Description
Effective software project management is crucial to the success of any software project. It is needed for the timely completion of projects. This course discusses the important aspects of software project management
Course Objectives
To be able to create a comprehensive project plan
To be able to gather right people and right tools for project success
To be able to plan, track and control software projects
Course Content
1. Project management fundamentals-Approaches- Challenges- Role of Project Manager-Planning Fundamentals – Major issues in software project planning – Planning activities – Project plan- Risk Management

2. Project estimation- techniques-Size estimation– Major issues in estimating software cost – Cost estimation methods – Experience based model – Parameter based model – COCOMO – Versions of COCOMO – Software size estimation – Function points – Staffing Level Estimation-Project Scheduling-organization and Team Structures-Configuration Management

3. Quality replacements – Turnover management- Conflict Management- Project Tracking and Control Plan- Project Control essentials- Earned Value Tracking

4. Managing Contracts- ISO 12207 approach- types of contract- stages in Contract Placement- Contract management-

5. Essentials of Project Recovery- Diagnosing Project Control Effectiveness- Detecting Control Problems- External Software Capability Audits- Insufficient control-Excessive Control-Sustaining Recovery
Essentials of Software Project Management (2nd Ed): Richard Bechtold, Managenent Concepts (2007)
Software Engineering Project Management (2nd Ed) : Richard Thayer, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society (2000)
Software Management (5 sub Ed): Donald J. Reifer, IEEE (1997)
Software Project management (4th Ed): Bob Hughes & Mike Cotterell, McGrawHill (2006)